Recording/Mixing Portfolio

This portfolio showcases the work that I have done in the field of audio recording, mixing, and mastering. Billy Schafer

This was the first artist that I recorded, back in the fall of 2008 at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA. These two songs were recorded with all of the instruments playing at the same time, in the same room. I mixed both of these tracks, and enjoyed working with such an enthusiastic and extremely talented songwriter.

Ken Gaugler

I recorded Ken at Foothill, for vocals, acoustic guitar, and flute. This is a rendition of a classic Irish folk song.

The Red Apples

I didn’t track this project, though I did do some restoration on the vocal tracks, as there were some pops and sibilance. After that was corrected, I did the mix, and was pleased with the result.

Rob Owen

I tracked and mixed the songs linked below, however, I only tracked (sans the kit and electric guitar) on the album. Regardless, I’ll let the music speak for itself.

Jon Dallaire

This was tracked by Jon, and I produced, mixed, and mastered.

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